
Monday, 09 July 2018 00:00

What are the Different Types of Corns?

Corns will typically develop on the pinky toe or between the toes as a result of pressure and friction. A common cause of the development of this condition, is from shoes that do not fit correctly, which causes the toes to have inadequate room to move about. This painful ailment may cause pain to exist inside the toe, and this may be a result of the pressure that is exerted on sensitive nerves. Corns are divided into two categories, and are referred to as hard or soft corns. The latter will exist in between the toes and will thrive in moist environments. Hard corns typically form on the tops of the toes where that portion of the toe meets the shoe. Corns can be prevented by choosing to wear shoes that fit properly. If you are experiencing hard or soft corns, it’s advised to consult with a podiatrist who can suggest proper treatment options that are correct for you.

Corns can make walking very painful and should be treated immediately. If you have questions regarding your feet and ankles, contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM of Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Corns: What Are They? And How Do You Get Rid of Them?
Corns are thickened areas on the skin that can become painful. They are caused by excessive pressure and friction on the skin. Corns press into the deeper layers of the skin and are usually round in shape.

Ways to Prevent Corns
There are many ways to get rid of painful corns such as:

  • Wearing properly fitting shoes that have been measured by a professional
  • Wearing shoes that are not sharply pointed or have high heels
  • Wearing only shoes that offer support

Treating Corns

Although most corns slowly disappear when the friction or pressure stops, this isn’t always the case. Consult with your podiatrist to determine the best treatment option for your case of corns.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Corns: What Are They, and How Do You Get Rid of Them

Andrelton Simmons of the Los Angeles Angels suffered a sprained ankle and may take a trip to the disabled list. When asked about the sprain he stated, “Nothing is broke, but I sprained it pretty decent.” He suffered the injury while coming down the dugout step in a game against the Royals. He fell down, got up, and then tried to walk it off to finish playing the game. Simmons is hopeful he will be able to move around after a few days but knows the disabled list is likely in his future.

Ankle sprains are common but need immediate attention. If you need your feet checked, contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM from Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

How Does an Ankle Sprain Occur?

Ankle sprains take place when the ligaments in your ankle are torn or stretched beyond their limits. There are multiple ways that the ankle can become injured, including twisting or rolling over onto your ankle, putting undue stress on it, or causing trauma to the ankle itself.

What Are the Symptoms?

  • Mild to moderate bruising
  • Limited mobility
  • Swelling
  • Discoloration of the skin (depending on severity)

Preventing a Sprain

  • Wearing appropriate shoes for the occasion
  • Stretching before exercises and sports
  • Knowing your limits

Treatment of a Sprain

Treatment of a sprain depends on the severity.  Many times, people are told to rest and remain off their feet completely, while others are given an air cast. If the sprain is very severe, surgery may be required.

If you have suffered an ankle sprain previously, you may want to consider additional support such as a brace and regular exercises to strengthen the ankle.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Ankle Sprains
Thursday, 28 June 2018 00:00

Do Your Child's Feet Hurt?

Have your child's feet been examined lately? Healthy feet are happy feet. If your child is complaining of foot pain, it may be a sign of underlying problems.

Monday, 25 June 2018 00:00

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition, which causes the immune system to attack the joints. This condition is known to affect the hands, feet, and wrists. There are general symptoms to look for if you suspect that you may be suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The most common symptom of this condition is joint pain. This pain usually presents itself as a throbbing sensation or as a constant ache in the joint. This joint pain is usually at its worst after periods of inactivity, which is why people with RA feel the majority of this type of pain in the morning. Symptoms of this condition may vary from person to person, and if you suspect that you have rheumatoid arthritis in your feet, you should speak with your podiatrist as soon as possible.

Because RA affects more than just your joints, including the joints in your feet and ankles, it is important to seek early diagnosis from your podiatrist if you feel like the pain in your feet might be caused by RA. For more information, contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM of Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors will assist you with all of your podiatric concerns.

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s own immune system attacks the membranes surrounding the joints. Inflammation of the lining and eventually the destruction of the joint’s cartilage and bone occur, causing severe pain and immobility.

Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Feet

Although RA usually attacks multiple bones and joints throughout the entire body, almost 90 percent of cases result in pain in the foot or ankle area.


  • Swelling and pain in the feet
  • Stiffness in the feet
  • Pain on the ball or sole of feet
  • Joint shift and deformation


Quick diagnosis of RA in the feet is important so that the podiatrist can treat the area effectively. Your doctor will ask you about your medical history, occupation, and lifestyle to determine the origin of the condition. Rheumatoid Factor tests help to determine if someone is affected by the disease.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Feet
Monday, 18 June 2018 00:00

Causes of Ingrown Toenails

The pain of an ingrown toenail can often be uncomfortable and frustrating, and will typically affect the big toe. It generally occurs when the nails are not trimmed correctly, which may cause the side of the nail to grow downward. Additionally, an ingrown toenail may result from wearing shoes that fit poorly. Common symptoms may include the toe appearing red and tender and in severe cases, a discharge may ooze from the affected and surrounding areas. Many patients will benefit from consulting with a podiatrist who may suggest soaking the foot in lukewarm salt water several times per day. This method will soften the skin which may attain moderate relief. If the toenail becomes infected, surgery may be a necessary treatment option for removal of the nail and the infected surrounding tissue. If you would like additional information about how to prevent or treat ingrown toenails, please consult with a podiatrist

Ingrown toenails can become painful if they are not treated properly. For more information about ingrown toenails, contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM of Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when a toenail grows sideways into the bed of the nail, causing pain, swelling, and possibly infection.


  • Bacterial infections
  • Improper nail cutting such as cutting it too short or not straight across
  • Trauma to the toe, such as stubbing, which causes the nail to grow back irregularly
  • Ill-fitting shoes that bunch the toes too close together
  • Genetic predisposition


Because ingrown toenails are not something found outside of shoe-wearing cultures, going barefoot as often as possible will decrease the likeliness of developing ingrown toenails. Wearing proper fitting shoes and using proper cutting techniques will also help decrease your risk of developing ingrown toenails.


Ingrown toenails are a very treatable foot condition. In minor cases, soaking the affected area in salt or antibacterial soaps will not only help with the ingrown nail itself, but also help prevent any infections from occurring. In more severe cases, surgery is an option. In either case, speaking to your podiatrist about this condition will help you get a better understanding of specific treatment options that are right for you.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Ingrown Toenail Care
Thursday, 14 June 2018 00:00

Before you start dancing...


Monday, 11 June 2018 00:00

Symptoms of Poor Foot Circulation

High blood pressure may be one of the more common causes of poor circulation in the feet and toes. When this occurs, the pressure the artery walls must endure is greater than normal. General symptoms may include discomfort and pain, which may typically happen during walking or exercise. Additional symptoms may include cramping, tingling, numbness or pain, which may become severe. Patients may experience a change in color in their lower extremities and they may notice sensitivity and coldness in their feet and toes. There are steps that can be implemented which may prevent circulation problems including ingesting fresh foods which may aid in maintaining a healthy weight, eliminating smoking and practicing a daily exercise program. It’s suggested to consult with a podiatrist who can provide the necessary medical advice if you have discovered you have poor circulation in your feet.

Poor circulation is a serious condition and needs immediate medical attention. If you have any concerns with poor circulation in your feet contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM of Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Poor Circulation in the Feet

Poor blood circulation in the feet and legs is can be caused by peripheral artery disease (PAD), which is the result of a buildup of plaque in the arteries.

Plaque buildup or atherosclerosis results from excess calcium and cholesterol in the bloodstream. This can restrict the amount of blood which can flow through the arteries. Poor blood circulation in the feet and legs are sometimes caused by inflammation in the blood vessels, known as vasculitis.


Lack of oxygen and oxygen from poor blood circulation restricts muscle growth and development. It can also cause:

  • Muscle pain, stiffness, or weakness   
  • Numbness or cramping in the legs 
  • Skin discoloration
  • Slower nail & hair growth
  • Erectile dysfunction

Those who have diabetes or smoke are at greatest risk for poor circulation, as are those who are over 50. If you have poor circulation in the feet and legs it may be caused by PAD and is important to make changes to your lifestyle in order to reduce risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. Exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will dramatically improve conditions.

As always, see a podiatrist as he or she will assist in finding a regimen that suits you. A podiatrist can also prescribe you any needed medication. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Poor Blood Circulation in the Feet

As the aging process progresses, it may be difficult for elderly people to avoid blisters and infections concerning the feet. This may be a result of poor vision which may hinder proper foot care management. Many elderly people may benefit by having a caregiver trim the toenails to ensure they are cut to a proper length. Research has shown any tools that are used should be cleaned and sanitized, which is often accomplished by using boiling water. These may include nail clippers and metal files. Taking advantage of a foot bath may aid in helping cracked skin feel more comfortable, followed by utilizing a good moisturizer to maintain softness in the skin. Measuring the feet prior to purchasing shoes is recommended for a comfortable fit in addition to wearing clean and dry socks. Please consider speaking with a podiatrist if you would like additional information on how to properly care for elderly feet.

Proper foot care is something many older adults forget to consider. If you have any concerns about your feet and ankles, contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM from Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

The Elderly and Their Feet

As we age we start to notice many changes in our body, but the elder population may not notice them right away. Medical conditions may prevent the elderly to take notice of their foot health right away. Poor vision is a lead contributor to not taking action for the elderly.

Common Conditions 

  • Neuropathy – can reduce feeling in the feet and can hide many life-threatening medical conditions.
  • Reduced flexibility – prevents the ability of proper toenail trimming, and foot cleaning. If left untreated, it may lead to further medical issues.
  • Foot sores – amongst the older population can be serious before they are discovered. Some of the problematic conditions they may face are:
  • Gouging toenails affecting nearby toe
  • Shoes that don’t fit properly
  • Pressure sores
  • Loss of circulation in legs & feet
  • Edema & swelling of feet and ankles

Susceptible Infections

Diabetes and poor circulation can cause general loss of sensitivity over the years, turning a simple cut into a serious issue.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Elderly and their Feet

Your feet are covered most of the day. If you're diabetic, periodic screening is important for good health. Numbness is often a sign of diabetic foot and can mask a sore or wound.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018 00:00

What is Soft Running?

Running is a great way to stay in shape, and you can try to limit the amount of injuries you endure by running “softer”. A recent study looked at “320 novice runners and measured their landing force at two paces – a slower 12-minute-per-mile pace and a quicker 8-minute-per-mile pace”. Those leading the study had half of the participants learn to run “softer” while others made no changes in their styles of running. According to the study, “After 12 months, researchers found that the runners who learned to run ‘softer’ had 62 percent less injuries than the runners who made no changes.” If you are a runner and you want to fix your stride to reduce your chance of injury, you should try counting your foot strikes per minute. Another tip is to inspect your shoes to find the areas that are worn out. The worn out areas will tell you where your feet are landing when you run. If you have shin pain or heel pain, this may suggest that you are either over striding or using the wrong muscles.

Exercising your feet regularly with the proper foot wear is a great way to prevent injuries. If you have any concerns about your feet, contact Shaun J. Limon, DPM and Lisa Griffith-Limon, DPM of Limons Foot & Ankle Care. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

How to Prevent Running Injuries

Many common running injuries are caused by overuse and overtraining. When the back of the kneecap starts wearing out and starts causing pain in your knee, this is commonly referred to as runner’s knee. Runner’s knee is a decrease in strength in your quadriceps and can occur if you’re not wearing properly fitted or supporting shoes. To prevent runner’s knee, focusing on hip strengthening is a good idea, as well as strengthening your quads to keep the kneecaps aligned.

What Are Some Causes of Running Injuries?
- One cause of a common running injury is called iliotibial band syndrome.
- Plantar fasciitis is also another common injury.
- Stress fractures can occur from overtraining, lack of calcium, or even your running style.

Best Ways to Prevent Running Injuries
- Wear footwear that fits properly and suits your running needs.
- Running shoes are the only protective gear that runners have to safeguard them from injury.
- Make a training schedule. Adding strengthening exercises as well as regular stretching can help keep you strong and limber and can lessen the possibility of injuries.
- Stretching keeps muscles limber; this will help you gain better flexibility.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about How to Prevent Running Injuries
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