Aerolase Laser
Aerolase® Neo Elite
The Aerolase Neo is an aesthetic medical laser that provides a premium patient experience unrivaled in dermatology and aesthetics. Uniquely gentle, the Neo offers complete skin rejuvenation in a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment for all skin types and tones. The Neo’s unique 650-microsecond technology is attracted to a combination of melanin, hemoglobin, and water in the skin tissue - which contribute to your skin’s signs of aging. The Neo’s energy passes through the skin to selectively heat these targets without adverse effects - resulting in clear, healthy skin. The 650-microsecond pulse eliminates discomfort during treatment and provides safe, highly efficacious results for even the darkest skin tones.
Nail Fungus
Onychomycosis, or nail fungus, is an infection of the toenail in which the nail changes color, thickness and quality. In addition of causing an unhealthy appearance, it can cause pain and difficulty walking.
Laser treatment for nail fungus is safe, quick and highly effective. Most patients are able to be clear of their infection with only one or two treatments. Laser procedures for nail fungus are proven to be a much safer and effective method as compared to oral medications or topical creams. One of the key aspects of eradicating nail fungus is to achieve penetration of the laser energy into the nail bed. This area needs significant heating to ensure the fungal material is destroyed, which requires a deep-heating and powerful laser. The Aerolase Neo Elite offers patients the ideal laser for such treatment. After the treatment, patients are able to resume their daily activities as normal.
Results are not immediate, as it takes anywhere from 3-12 months for the new, non-infected nail to grow. It is recommended that patients follow this preventive care regiment to avoid reinfection:
- Apply an antifungal cream for 2 weeks following the procedure;
- Always spray inside the shoes at the end of the day with an antifungal spray and avoid wearing the shoes for 2 days or use Steri-Shoe ultraviolet shoe sanitizers;
- After 2 weeks, spray the feet or fingers with anti-fungal spray on an ongoing basis;
- Change the sheets the 1st night after each treatment;
- Cleanse the floor of the shower before next use with a cleanser that includes bleach;
- Cleanse all nail instruments with bleach before using them again;
- Throw out any nail polish previously used on the nails;
- Exercise caution in public areas like hotel rooms and public showers.
The Aerolase Neo Elite is able to safely treat a broad range of visible blood vessels from angiomas and spider veins to large leg veins. The Aerolase Neo Elite delivers a pulse of laser energy, which will cause the blood within the vein to coagulate and destroy the vessel, which will have absorbed by your body over several weeks to leave your skin looking rejuvenated and youthful. No matter what part of your body is affected, the Aerolase Neo Elite can safely and effectively take care of any unwanted veins.
Fungal Nails - Before and After Treatment

Warts - Before and After Treatment